Our Services


How many athletes get to the end of their career and can not account for their fortune? Do not become a statistic. We are here to ensure that you do not have wait until then, but start today with our tailor-made finance planning tool. Take a step today to be in charge of your finances

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We help you discover yourself through assessments so that you get to know yourself better and to help create an environment that helps you perform optimally. From as young as 14 years old, we look to a empower athletes by aligning your interests and abilities from as early as possible.

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Who better to learn from than those who have gone before you? We look to tap into the experiences of those who have that journey already. We enable you to make better informed decisions by virtue of having us as a sounding board with on-field and off-field matters.

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We aim to have you focus on performing on the field of play. Leave the paperwork to us and have peace of mind. We have your best interests at heart and will ensure that they are treated in a manner that we endorse as an upcoming or professional athlete.

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In conjunction with Nellie Fitness, we aim to promote physical and mental wellbeing through active exercise and healthy living. We offer personalised programs and different challenges that aim to help you create a healthy lifestyle.

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